Su precio es de 10€ cada broche.
Las muestras que verás a continuación son modelos estándar. Como son a mano, el broche de tu pedido será diferente, aunque si tienes alguna preferencia, haremos todo lo posible por hacerla.
Entre las preguntas más habituales acerca de los broches está la de: ¿Aguanta la lluvia? Si. Cada broche lleva un barniz mate que proteje la ilustración y da un matiz cálido a cada broche.
No olvides retirar tu broche de la ropa antes de meterlo a la lavadora o desaparecerá y te quedará sólo el imperdible!
Each brooch is a piece unique and different because they are handmade. The standard measure of them is 4 cm in diameter. The material is a pulp, which allows it to be illustrated as if it were a plain paper.
Price is €10 each brooch.
The samples you see below are standard models. Because they are handmade, the brooch of your order will be different, but if you have a preference, we will make every effort to do it.
Among the most common questions about the pins is that of: It hold the rain? Yes. Each pin carries a matte glaze that protects the artwork and gives a warm hue to each pin.
Do not forget to remove your pin before putting clothes into the wash-machine or just disappear!
The samples you see below are standard models. Because they are handmade, the brooch of your order will be different, but if you have a preference, we will make every effort to do it.
Among the most common questions about the pins is that of: It hold the rain? Yes. Each pin carries a matte glaze that protects the artwork and gives a warm hue to each pin.
Do not forget to remove your pin before putting clothes into the wash-machine or just disappear!
te acabo de conocer através de "De tacones y bolsos". Me encanta tu trabajo. Yo también hago broches, pero en arcilla y bueno en otro estilo de ilustración.
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